Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Book Bingo!

Thanks Linda Foster (whose book comes out this summer) for sharing this on Facebook! I'm so doing this! Who's with me? Leave comments and tell me what squares you've filled!

Ps I'm thinking the game will be a blackout. Yes? Oh yes!


Review: The 9/11 series by Karen Kingsbury

Ok I'm lumping these three books together because they all three rotate around the same theme: fear and trusting God.

Now as I said on my good reads account, I did not give these books a 5 star rating. Here's why: while the storyline of each novel was compelling and unique and in my mind believable, the writing was lacking. It discusses the terrorist attacks and how they changed lives in negative ways but also how something positive came forth "from the ashes." Good stories for sure and even better themes such as faith in God at all times especially in times of fear.

The books are done from multiple characters perspectives. This is confusing because there isn't enough distinction between the voices of the different characters. Sometimes i was confused as to whose voice j was actually reading in. Also she does a whole lot of "telling" rather than "showing". Finally some of her dialogue is unbelievable because she appears to have made her language very G-rated which works very good for the characters who would have spoke this way but not so much for the criminals and other characters who didn't have the same convictions as the strongly Christian characters. These things were distracting however the theme was good. Each character had to over come fear and pain, mend personal relationships and their relationship with God. I did become very invested in these characters and did have to finish the books.

So to reflect on the themes I typed in fear into my bible apps search bar. So many hits! There's so much written on fear and rightly so since most of us really do live in fear. Especially in times like this where we've seen tragedies involving people coming in and wounded and killing dozens of people all in one moment. I would be lying if I said I've never felt like "that could have been me or the people I love". Truth is it could have been. It could have been any of us. No one is immune to death. We watched the Documentary on Steve Jobs last night. He was ridiculously wealthy but even all his money couldn't save him when it was simply his time to die.

Many of us still live in fear. I live in fear. We worry about losing our own life or the life of someone close to us to the point to where we hinder our enjoyment of life. It's ironic really. It's hard to stop. But as the characters in this 9/11 book series all learned and relearned, faith and trust in God are the only antidote to fear.

I have to remind myself of this a lot.

The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15 NIV)

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

100 books for 2013...and how I fell in love...with literature

I read a lot of books...clearly not as many as my sister even though I was the English major not her, but still. . . a lot. I have always enjoyed literature from an early age when I took on the entire babysitters club series which includes over 100 regular series novels and almost just as many special features and spin offs. I think I got through most of these books in one summer (its no surprise why I didn't turn out to be very athletic) I remember reading so many books in the summer reading program at the library that I got multiple free books and other awards (which I honestly traded in for more free books...who needed t-shirts and lunch boxes and stickers when you could trade in all of them for a paper back copy of little house on the prairie) That whole summer I read my baby sitters club and before that I had listened as my mom read the little house on the prairie but I hadn't read any really heavy yet...all light hearted and all-in-good-fun brain candy (as an ex sister in law by my same first name once described such novels)

Then I reached into the book prize bin....and pulled out The Devils Arithmetic by Jane Yolen

I remember reading this book as if I had discovered something new and I had stepped through a door and appeared in a different world. The world of powerful novels was at my finger trips. It was also the first time I had ever heard of the Jews and the holocaust and it ignited my love of Jewish culture.

I really believe I became me that day...shaped my entire future by grabbing that one book out of that bin because since then I've kept grabbing books, meaningful, intense, powerful books...and haven't looked back.

To be honest I didn't realize that since Devils Arithmetic I hadn't picked up any brain candy novels until a few years ago when ex sis in law mentioned a book to me and told me I should read it because it was as she described good "brain candy" - a break from the serious literature typical of English majors. I dismissed it and said "I don't read brain candy books. I love the in depth stuff that's what I choose to read...if I want brain candy I turn on a sitcom."  This has been true for me since Devils Arithmetic.. That is until last February when I got snowed in to my sisters house and was forced to watch twilight and have discussions about the book verse the movie which I couldn't participate in due to having not read the I did it. I admit to becoming uncontrollably addicted to them even though the whole time I was screaming inside how awful the writing was. But I read it, And I learned for the first time the value of the not so great novel as it shows me the difference. It shows me writing techniques in practice...both what's working and what's not. Its helped give me the brain of an writer/editor and for the first time I could take Professor Abeytas words and put true visible meaning to them ("Show don't tell" "Vary your characters" "Write from unique and authentic voices" All things I hadn't really fully understood because I had only seen really good examples of this working and no examples of it not working.

A light bulb goes off in my head once again. So this year, the year of 2013..the year that wasn't supposed to exist...I have decided to read 100 novels. And not just any novels...but a variety of novels. Not just the ones similar to those I've read previously. Great novels, not so great novels, young adult, historical fiction, Christian literature, sci-fi, romance, mystery, westerns.....and on and on and on. I want to really get out there and jump right in. Check a few more genres off my literary bucket list! (A book lover can never die, there are too many books to ever complete said literary bucket list)

So here's to a New Year, some new books and hopefully some new "light-bulb-moments". I promise to blog about each and every book I read (I already am into my 5th book so I better get busy writing!)


Monday, January 14, 2013

Bible app

Ok so carrying a bible everywhere just isn't practice. I already carry one book in my purse and bibles aren't small plus there's the whole getting it dirty or ripped issue. So I went searching for a good bible app. Here's the pros of this app as opposed to carrying a paper bible around

1) it's with me everywhere even if I don't j e my purse
2) I can't get it dirty or ripped
3) it's searchable using key words
4) I can book mark it as put in notes
6) it has 20+ versions including audio
5) lots of features I haven't discovered yet

Here it is


Saturday, January 12, 2013

calm, truth, peace, trust, loyalty, integrity

Throughout the years my favorite color rotated. Green for a while, red, I attempted at pink then a little purple and for a while I even claimed gold as my favorite. I know right...odd. Just a few months back when asking kindergarteners their favorite color I got the response of "all the colors" and I agreed. That must be it. Every color. I wasn't like the people who gravitate towards one color and collect as much of it as possible. Nope that wasn't me I guess. I actually didn't even give it too much thought. For my recent wedding I chose all colors instead of a set wedding colors. A patch work quilt literally.  I remember once my husband said he wanted blue at the wedding I said sure just not too much. I really thought I didn't care for the color. I was actually disappointed when the hand me down phone I got from Mike was in a blue case.

It was then that I started to get to know Mel. It was her who alerted to me to the fact I gravitated towards a specific color, or as she put it the color gravitated to me. Now how in the world is it that a girl who is blind who is the first one to realize that you have a favorite color? (You can laugh its a little funny) Simple actually. This summer we spent a lot of time hanging out and talking and as we did I described our surroundings to her. Bit by bit she saw that I was literally surrounded by blue. My water bottle, my phone, my summer purse, several swim suits and various items of clothing to name a few.

I thought about it for a while. I started to tally up the blue...yep it was a lot. She totally had me figured out.

I began to look at blue things and really think about it. I lined up blue crayons at schools I taught at. I wore blue clothing and looked at my reflection. I compared it to other colors. It really did make me happier to have blue around me.


So what does blue represent? I began to research that a little bit. Of course it is a calming and cool color. The ocean, fish tanks, a clear sky...calm and pleasant. I also found out it is a color of wisdom and happiness. Its been associated with heaven. The Egyptians even used it to represent heaven. Companies use it to show cleanliness or purity. Stores use it to promote calm customers. (Walmart...ya I need a little calm waiting in those long lines)

Here is a list from a website I stumbled across.


•In Christianity the Madonna is usually clothed in Blue to symbolize virtue.

 •In the Jewish faith, Blue is the color of holiness.

 •In Hinduism Blue is the color of the god Krishna.

 •In China Blue represents immortality.

 •Philosophers in Ancient Rome wore Blue robes to show their rank.

 •In Japan Indigo Blue is often used in art and clothing and symbolizes the vast ocean surrounding the islands.

 •In Ancient Egypt the skin of the god Amun was painted blue to signify the divine.

 •In Germany employees being dismissed are given Blue Letters or "Blaue Briefe".

 •In France deep Blue is strongly associated with Royalty and Aristocracy.

 •Some Native Americans believe the color symbolism of Blue means using intuition to serve and teach.

 •In Iran Blue is the color of mourning


So why am I going on and on about this silly color? Well truly I am not 100% sure but I do know that I feel I am learning a lot about myself this year. The things you surround yourself with are an important part of who you are and well maybe its the literature major in me but somehow I feel there's gotta be something to a persons favorite color. Time will tell I guess! And to those who choose to follow my blog.. I hope my musings entertain you!

Resolutions: The final list

1) To read 100 books in 2013! -a bit hefty but if I keep the pace at about 2 books per week I should be fine which is something I did in college. Plus I enjoy audio books every Saturday while cleaning the house and running errands and usually finish about one per Saturday so really that leaves just one paper book to read per week.

2) To begin my own writing- this does not mean blogging. This means my own could submit to a publisher by 2014 kinda stuff. This is part of my 100 books in 2013 because I've finally begun to understand what my creative writing professor said about good writing, showing not telling, etc because up until recently I hadn't read many books in my adult life that weren't college course quality literature. I'm not gunna name drop but I've read some good stories written immaturely and am thankful to these not so well written books for being a light into my own writing abilities! Good or bad all books are important!

3) To dance... a lot - Be it out on the town or in my own living room I need to keep myself moving. My own little fitness goal. Just so happens my husband has traded in 16 old xbox games and brought home one very awesome zumba fitness and a Kinect that I can dance with to my little hearts content.

4) Begin and continue some sort of devotional. I even have my own journal to write down reflections in. No doubt something I read about in a book. This year is as good as any to remember how important God is and get to work. Plus I have an old friend whose somewhat blog is listed as a devotional and I always try to support my friends who chose to take on a blog of any sorts. Seems like a real win win here. A closer walk with God in the end is what really matters in a life.

In one year from now I will re-visit this post and home I have a lot to show for it. even if I fall short of my goals. in the mean time: heres to life! Cheers!

Learning to begin...again

With the coming of a new year I once again begin the casual thinking of making a new  years resolution. I really never take them all that seriously and last year I don't think I ever truly settled on a single one though 2012 was a big year for changes. I see the typical ones those I know have posted to facebook: health, exercise, eating right, traveling, loving, and new this year....blogging. I have at least three friends resolving to blog. I guess I am one of those people too, though I started my blogging resurgence back in the early fall. I thought maybe blogging could be mine too and yes in a way it has but I have more important goals than that. Blogging will just be the progress bar of the growth I've made through this year. What I really desire to accomplish this year is growth. To learn more about myself and the world and ultimately become the wife, future mother, friend Christian,, sister, teacher. . . woman I am supposed to be. Not some magical "This is my year" kind of lifetime channel movie. Just life. Whatever that means.

I read today from two very different womens new years blogs. Very different besides the fact that they are both mothers who are blessed with the chance to stay home with their 3 children, I couldn't  help but think how we all are lost in our own lives while someone literally right next to us is lost in theirs. I've thought about this as long as I can remember: what does it feel like to be someone else and how in the world did my consciousness become my consciousness? It's such a circle of thought I am not even sure if anyone else can ever understand what I am trying to say here. But today as I read a friends writing about her experience and herself in college, the same college I attended and even used photos I myself had taken of a mountain range that both her and I have seen, how monumental ones own consciousness, their soul, truly is and just how monumental and precious every single life truly is.