This fun little romance novel was easy to become invested in. The story was both believable and interesting: a woman who meets face to face with the man who adopted her child.
The entire novel reminded me of the feeling you get when you are at the top of the roller coaster, ready to make that first decent. I knew ultimately Dani would have to tell Matt her secret, I just wasn't sure when. As my progress bar on my kindle kept inching towards 100%, I began to get anxious!
With the constant point of view changes between Dani and Matt, it's easy to understand the two's feelings and emotions which to me gave a comfortable "everything's going to work out in the end" feeling. You trust both characters to be good people who will make good choices.
I particularly enjoyed the way Rutland accurately writes in the child's voice of Sam. This one is hard for people to write in sometimes and have it come off as accurate as she has. It's one thing to hope for a happily ever after for the adult characters you come to love while reading, but it's another all together to hope for one for a child. Sam's character is an instant hit.
On the subject of voice, I also enjoyed Dani's. I felt she was a very strong and well developed character who was easy to identify with.
One line that truly stuck with me was: "He wouldn't exist if I had thine through a the pain and grief." I feel this line, as well as several others suggest the theme: everything you go through brings you to where you are today. Another notable theme was that of second chances.
If you want a sweet love story with a real life conflict that the characters must overcome, this novel is a good one for you.
In fact, I plan to buy a few more of her novels in the near future.